A Taxonomy and Experimental Study on Prototype Generation for Nearest Neighbor Classification - Complementary Material

This Website contains additional material to the SCI2S research paper on Prototype Generation

I. Triguero, J. Derrac, S. García and F.Herrera, A Taxonomy and Experimental Study on Prototype Generation for Nearest Neighbor Classification . IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics--Part C: Applications and Reviews 42 (1) (2012) 86-100, doi: 10.1109/TSMCC.2010.2103939 PDF Icon


  1. Abstract
  2. Experimental study
    1. Experimental set up
    2. Results obtained
      1. Small Datasets
      2. Summary
      3. Large Datasets
      4. Summary
    3. Statistical Tests
  3. JAVA code for PG methods

Experimental study

Experimental set up

This section describes the experimental set up employed for the comparison of the PG methods.

First, a table shows the parameters set to each method (note that it remain unchanged for each dataset). Then, another table shows the characteristics of the data sets employed to test the methods.


Many different configurations are established by the authors in each paper for the PG techniques. We focus this experimentation on the recommended parameters proposed by their respective authors, assuming that the choice of the values of the parameters was optimally chosen. Note that some PG methods have no parameters to be fixed, so they are not included in this table. In most of techniques, euclidean distance is used as similarity function, to decide which neighbors are closest. Furthermore, to avoid problems with large number of attributes and distances, all data set have been normalized between 0 and 1. Furthermore, the parameter Reduction Rate on fixed reduction algorithms has been established to 95% for small size data set, 98% for large size.

LVQ3 Iterations = 100, α = 0.1, WindowWidth=0.2 ε = 0.1
DSM Iterations = 100, α = 0.1
VQ Iterations = 100, α = 0.1
BTS3 NN selected = 1, Random Trials = 3
LVQTC Iterations = 100, α = 0.1, αW = 0.1, Retention Threshold = 3, Number of Epoches= 4
MSE Gradient Step = 0.5, Initial Temperature = 100
ICPL2 Filtering method = RT2
Depur k' = 2, k = 3
HYB Search Iterations = 200, Optimal search Iterations = 1000. α = 0.1 , Initial ε = 0, Final ε = 0.5, Initial WindowWidth = 0, Final WindowWidth = 0.5, δ = 0.1, delta WindowWidth = 0.1 Initial Selection = SVM
RPS3 Subset Choice = Diameter
ENPC Iterations = 250
AVQ Iterations = 100, T set percentage= 80%, ε = 0.1
LVQPRU Iterations = 100, α = 0.1 ,WindowWidth = 0.5
POCNN α ratio = 0.2
SGP Rmin = 0.01, Rmis = 0.2
AMPSO Iterations = 300, C1 = 1.0, C2 = 1.0, C3 = 0.25 Vmax = 1, W = 0.1, X = 0.5, Pr = 0.1, Pd = 0.1
PSCSA HyperMutation Rate = 2, Clonal Rate = 10, Mutation Rate = 0.01, Stimulation Threshold = 0.89, α = 0.4
PSO SwarmSize = 20, Iterations = 250, C1 = 1, C2 = 3, Vmax = 0.25, Wstart = 1.5, Wend = 0.5

Table 1. Parameter specification for all the methods employed in the experimentation

Data sets

The characteristics of the data sets employed in the experimental study are shown as follows:

Table 2. Summary description for classification data sets

Results obtained

This section shows the results of the experimentation performed. There are 18 tables, categorized in 2 sections: Small datasets, Large datasets.

Each section contains 12 tables: 3 showing results in training phase (Accuracy, Kappa, Reduction), 2 showing results in test phase (Accuracy, Kappa), 1 showing the execution times, 1 summary table containing the average results and 5 different summaries taking into consideration numerical, nominal, mixed, binary and multi-class data sets. Note that in every table (excepting the summary tables), the best average result is highlighted in red and relevant data sets are identified in green.

Small Data Sets


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Execution Time

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Red train Acc train Kappa test Acc test Kappa Time
PSCSA 0.9858 MCA 0.8772 MCA 0.7717 GENN 0.7564 GENN 0.5400 1NN  
AVQ 0.9759 GMCA 0.8405 GMCA 0.7067 ICPL 0.76 ICPL 0.5366 LVQTC 0.1644
LVQTC 0.9551 HYB 0.8309 HYB 0.6988 PSO 0.7501 PSO 0.5332 DSM 0.1780
MixtGauss 0.9552 ICPL 0.8254 ENPC 0.6800 GMCA 0.7351 GMCA 0.5062 BTS3 0.2079
MSE 0.9520 ENPC 0.8247 PSO 0.6791 1NN 0.7326 RSP 0.5004 LVQ3 0.2316
Chen 0.9519 PSO 0.8238 ICPL 0.67 RSP3 0.7325 MSE 0.4825 VQ 0.2469
BTS3 0.9519 GENN 0.8002 GENN 0.6243 Depur 0.7296 1NN 0.4918 Chen 0.2675
SGP 0.9512 RSP3 0.7924 RSP3 0.6112 MSE 0.7237 MCA 0.4867 Depur 0.2777
LVQPRU 0.9503 Depur 0.7801 Depur 0.5815 MCA 0.7219 Depur 0.4826 LVQPRU 0.5592
PSO 0.9491 MSE 0.7566 MSE 0.5388 ENPC 0.7167 ENPC 0.4818 AVQ 0.6561
VQ 0.9491 1NN 0.7369 LVQTC 0.5224 HYB 0.7153 HYB 0.4790 MixtGauss 0.8125
DSM 0.9491 LVQTC 0.7327 Chen 0.5116 LVQPRU 0.6997 LVQPRU 0.4592 SGP 1.3597
LVQ3 0.9488 LVQPRU 0.7304 LVQPRU 0.5110 LVQTC 0.6981 MixtGauss 0.4546 GENN 1.4285
PNN 0.9447 SGP 0.7256 AMPSO 0.5039 SGP 0.6949 LVQTC 0.4541 RSP3 1.8505
AMPSO 0.9430 AMPSO 0.7227 1NN 0.4985 MixtGauss 0.6932 AMPSO 0.4440 PSCSA 1.9562
MCA 0.8568 MixtGauss 0.7138 MixtGauss 0.4888 AMPSO 0.6903 PNN 0.4369 MSE 2.4794
ICPL 0.8371 DSM 0.7036 SGP 0.4852 DSM 0.6810 SGP 0.4360 HYB 5.5888
RSP3 0.7329 PNN 0.7015 PNN 0.4718 PNN 0.6786 AVQ 0.4326 AMPSO 8.2870
ENPC 0.7220 Chen 0.6964 AVQ 0.4660 Chen 0.6770 DSM 0.4239 GMCA 8.4947
GMCA 0.6984 LVQ3 0.6931 DSM 0.4627 LVQ3 0.6763 PSCSA 0.4231 PNN 14.0066
POC 0.6071 AVQ 0.6869 PSCSA 0.4461 PSCSA 0.6682 LVQ3 0.4114 PSO 42.3168
HYB 0.4278 PSCSA 0.6787 LVQ3 0.4421 AVQ 0.6672 Chen 0.4026 ENPC 47.1377
Depur 0.3531 BTS3 0.6713 BTS3 0.3923 BTS3 0.6626 BTS3 0.3784 POC 151.9278
GENN 0.1862 VQ 0.6614 VQ 0.3866 VQ 0.6549 VQ 0.3770 ICPL 163.9147
1NN 0.0000 POC 0.6487 POC 0.3601 POC 0.6493 POC 0.3700 MCA 190.4930

Table 9. Summary Results for small data sets

Summary with numerical small data sets

train Acc train Kappa test Acc test Kappa
MCA 0.9131 MCA 0.8384 PSO 0.7531 PSO 0.5341
GMCA 0.8534 GMCA 0.7326 ICPL 0.7449 GENN 0.5232
HYB 0.8426 HYB 0.7306 GENN 0.7447 ICPL 0.5156
ENPC 0.8416 ENPC 0.7090 GMCA 0.7258 GMCA 0.4929
PSO 0.8320 PSO 0.6925 MSE 0.7233 MCA 0.4880
ICPL 0.8216 ICPL 0.6587 1NN 0.7280 1NN 0.4804
GENN 0.7942 GENN 0.6164 Depur 0.7265 MSE 0.4796
RSP3 0.7916 RSP3 0.6150 RSP3 0.7216 Depur 0.4758
Depur 0.7844 Depur 0.5914 MCA 0.7192 ENPC 0.4734
MSE 0.7634 MSE 0.5501 ENPC 0.7103 RSP 0.4891
LVQTC 0.7446 LVQTC 0.5438 LVQPRU 0.7060 HYB 0.4779
LVQPRU 0.7415 LVQPRU 0.5281 HYB 0.7076 LVQPRU 0.4677
SGP 0.7435 SGP 0.5123 SGP 0.7056 LVQTC 0.4547
1NN 0.7322 PNN 0.4988 MixtGauss 0.6921 MixtGauss 0.4485
AMPSO 0.7224 AMPSO 0.4979 LVQTC 0.6998 SGP 0.4440
PNN 0.7196 MixtGauss 0.4973 AMPSO 0.6881 PNN 0.4400
MixtGauss 0.7191 1NN 0.4925 PNN 0.6854 AMPSO 0.4325
DSM 0.7128 AVQ 0.4797 DSM 0.6739 AVQ 0.4315
LVQ3 0.6958 DSM 0.4791 PSCSA 0.6753 PSCSA 0.4214
AVQ 0.6925 PSCSA 0.4539 BTS3 0.6720 DSM 0.4088
Chen 0.6915 LVQ3 0.4419 Chen 0.6717 POC 0.4028
PSCSA 0.6892 Chen 0.4150 LVQ3 0.6712 LVQ3 0.3952
BTS3 0.6765 POC 0.3920 AVQ 0.6647 Chen 0.3843
POC 0.6611 BTS3 0.3871 POC 0.6623 BTS3 0.3817
VQ 0.6530 VQ 0.3710 VQ 0.6405 VQ 0.3510

Table 10. Summary Results for numerical small data sets

Summary with nominal small data sets

train Acc train Kappa test Acc test Kappa
PSO 0.8530 PSO 0.6726 ICPL 0.8029 ICPL 0.5622
ICPL 0.8418 ICPL 0.6566 PSO 0.8014 PSO 0.5561
GENN 0.8310 GENN 0.6272 GENN 0.8012 GENN 0.5546
GMCA 0.8076 GMCA 0.5905 GMCA 0.7766 GMCA 0.5189
Depur 0.8013 MCA 0.5737 Depur 0.7731 AMPSO 0.4930
MCA 0.7892 ENPC 0.5553 1NN 0.7689 ENPC 0.4822
RSP3 0.7879 HYB 0.5529 AMPSO 0.7619 RSP3 0.4779
HYB 0.7815 RSP3 0.5417 RSP3 0.7617 1NN 0.4730
AMPSO 0.7811 AMPSO 0.5358 MSE 0.7560 MSE 0.4719
ENPC 0.7752 Depur 0.5355 VQ 0.7461 MCA 0.4676
MSE 0.7708 MSE 0.5075 LVQ3 0.7438 HYB 0.4672
1NN 0.7687 LVQTC 0.4794 DSM 0.7435 Depur 0.4670
LVQTC 0.7542 1NN 0.4768 HYB 0.7423 PSCSA 0.4667
VQ 0.7447 PSCSA 0.4671 LVQTC 0.7412 SGP 0.4604
Chen 0.7444 LVQPRU 0.4668 LVQPRU 0.7388 LVQPRU 0.4603
LVQPRU 0.7426 Chen 0.4641 PSCSA 0.7384 LVQ3 0.4582
LVQ3 0.7382 MixtGauss 0.4550 MCA 0.7357 DSM 0.4520
MixtGauss 0.7367 SGP 0.4499 ENPC 0.7346 LVQTC 0.4487
DSM 0.7338 VQ 0.4476 Chen 0.7327 MixtGauss 0.4471
PSCSA 0.7326 LVQ3 0.4467 SGP 0.7292 VQ 0.4441
SGP 0.7289 AVQ 0.4389 MixtGauss 0.7288 Chen 0.4356
AVQ 0.7173 DSM 0.4307 AVQ 0.7147 AVQ 0.4281
BTS3 0.7146 BTS3 0.3913 BTS3 0.7084 PNN 0.3966
PNN 0.6811 PNN 0.3817 PNN 0.6783 BTS3 0.3831
POC 0.6106 POC 0.2053 POC 0.6087 POC 0.2191

Table 11. Summary Results for nominal small data sets

Summary with mixed small data sets

train Acc train Kappa test Acc test Kappa
GMCA 0.8837 MCA 0.7823 GENN 0.7905 GENN 0.5790
MCA 0.8833 GMCA 0.7732 ICPL 0.7882 ICPL 0.5772
HYB 0.8784 HYB 0.7654 PSO 0.7792 PSO 0.5618
ENPC 0.8684 ENPC 0.7453 1NN 0.7714 RSP3 0.5479
ICPL 0.8634 ICPL 0.7264 RSP3 0.7698 1NN 0.5421
PSO 0.8515 PSO 0.7050 GMCA 0.7639 GMCA 0.5304
GENN 0.8355 RSP3 0.6634 Depur 0.7624 Depur 0.5294
RSP3 0.8308 GENN 0.6624 MSE 0.7562 MSE 0.5180
Depur 0.8041 Depur 0.6111 LVQTC 0.7481 LVQTC 0.5124
MSE 0.7815 LVQTC 0.5684 ENPC 0.7346 PNN 0.4897
LVQTC 0.7777 MSE 0.5552 MCA 0.7285 AVQ 0.4888
1NN 0.7721 1NN 0.5425 PNN 0.7268 MixtGauss 0.4868
LVQPRU 0.7449 LVQPRU 0.5247 HYB 0.7261 ENPC 0.4779
Chen 0.7391 AMPSO 0.5189 Chen 0.7245 MCA 0.4721
AMPSO 0.7370 MixtGauss 0.5035 MixtGauss 0.7236 PSCSA 0.4651
MixtGauss 0.7335 AVQ 0.4990 AVQ 0.7159 HYB 0.4650
PNN 0.7301 PNN 0.4974 DSM 0.7121 AMPSO 0.4646
DSM 0.7241 Chen 0.4837 LVQPRU 0.7104 DSM 0.4635
AVQ 0.7234 DSM 0.4794 AMPSO 0.7051 LVQPRU 0.4619
LVQ3 0.7216 PSCSA 0.4787 PSCSA 0.6987 Chen 0.4548
SGP 0.7166 LVQ3 0.4723 LVQ3 0.6981 LVQ3 0.4322
BTS3 0.7145 BTS3 0.4502 BTS3 0.6971 BTS3 0.4141
PSCSA 0.7111 SGP 0.4480 VQ 0.6812 VQ 0.4033
VQ 0.6807 VQ 0.3977 SGP 0.6806 SGP 0.3979
POC 0.6806 POC 0.3947 POC 0.6765 POC 0.3917

Table 12. Summary Results for mixed small data sets

Summary with binary small data sets

train Acc train Kappa test Acc test Kappa
MCA 0.8660 MCA 0.7079 PSO 0.7782 PSO 0.4725
PSO 0.8526 HYB 0.6623 ICPL 0.7721 ICPL 0.4702
GMCA 0.8497 GMCA 0.6603 GENN 0.7712 GENN 0.4678
ICPL 0.8430 PSO 0.6510 PSCSA 0.7508 PSCSA 0.4240
HYB 0.8415 ENPC 0.6342 MSE 0.7484 LVQTC 0.4178
ENPC 0.8370 ICPL 0.6340 Depur 0.7477 GMCA 0.4169
GENN 0.8212 GENN 0.5841 LVQTC 0.7460 AMPSO 0.4158
Depur 0.8048 RSP3 0.5509 GMCA 0.7448 MSE 0.4111
RSP3 0.8028 Depur 0.5272 1NN 0.7439 1NN 0.4106
LVQTC 0.7782 LVQTC 0.4940 AMPSO 0.7406 RSP3 0.4092
AMPSO 0.7763 AMPSO 0.4932 RSP3 0.7386 Depur 0.3922
MSE 0.7716 MSE 0.4626 Chen 0.7379 MixtGauss 0.3901
PSCSA 0.7664 PSCSA 0.4609 MixtGauss 0.7342 ENPC 0.3855
Chen 0.7544 LVQPRU 0.4372 BTS3 0.7268 LVQPRU 0.3813
1NN 0.7493 1NN 0.4252 LVQPRU 0.7237 Chen 0.3801
MixtGauss 0.7490 MixtGauss 0.4242 ENPC 0.7222 MCA 0.3776
LVQPRU 0.7477 Chen 0.4136 SGP 0.7186 AVQ 0.3680
SGP 0.7372 AVQ 0.3991 LVQ3 0.7168 HYB 0.3640
DSM 0.7350 DSM 0.3954 DSM 0.7135 PNN 0.3534
LVQ3 0.7341 SGP 0.3953 VQ 0.7132 SGP 0.3525
BTS3 0.7278 PNN 0.3866 MCA 0.7128 DSM 0.3509
PNN 0.7138 LVQ3 0.3857 HYB 0.7012 LVQ3 0.3471
AVQ 0.7137 BTS3 0.3462 AVQ 0.6994 BTS3 0.3437
VQ 0.7096 VQ 0.3378 PNN 0.6977 VQ 0.3411
POC 0.6286 POC 0.2028 POC 0.6358 POC 0.2259

Table 13. Summary Results for binary small data sets

Summary with multi-class small data sets

train Acc train Kappa test Acc test Kappa
MCA 0.8823 MCA 0.8226 GENN 0.7427 GENN 0.6238
GMCA 0.8266 GMCA 0.7446 ICPL 0.7399 ICPL 0.6218
HYB 0.8151 HYB 0.7266 MCA 0.7302 MCA 0.6035
ICPL 0.8089 ICPL 0.7223 1NN 0.7280 PSO 0.6034
ENPC 0.8069 ENPC 0.7156 HYB 0.7275 HYB 0.6005
PSO 0.7933 PSO 0.7095 RSP3 0.7262 GMCA 0.6002
RSP3 0.7819 GENN 0.6779 GMCA 0.7247 RSP3 0.5985
GENN 0.7809 RSP3 0.6777 PSO 0.7214 1NN 0.5922
Depur 0.7559 Depur 0.6455 Depur 0.7106 ENPC 0.5817
MSE 0.7412 MSE 0.6240 ENPC 0.7095 Depur 0.5804
1NN 0.7272 1NN 0.5908 MSE 0.6981 MSE 0.5647
LVQPRU 0.7122 LVQPRU 0.5889 LVQPRU 0.6760 LVQPRU 0.5423
SGP 0.7093 SGP 0.5770 SGP 0.6678 POC 0.5255
PNN 0.6850 PNN 0.5541 POC 0.6654 SGP 0.5248
LVQTC 0.6838 MixtGauss 0.5518 PNN 0.6561 MixtGauss 0.5213
MixtGauss 0.6758 LVQTC 0.5495 MixtGauss 0.6507 PNN 0.5201
POC 0.6690 AVQ 0.5328 LVQTC 0.6482 DSM 0.5030
DSM 0.6678 DSM 0.5295 DSM 0.6462 AVQ 0.4983
AMPSO 0.6675 AMPSO 0.5292 AMPSO 0.6371 LVQTC 0.4951
AVQ 0.6600 POC 0.5237 AVQ 0.6348 LVQ3 0.4858
LVQ3 0.6492 LVQ3 0.5023 LVQ3 0.6341 AMPSO 0.4846
Chen 0.6366 Chen 0.4768 Chen 0.6134 Chen 0.4444
BTS3 0.6153 PSCSA 0.4502 BTS3 0.5991 PSCSA 0.4361
VQ 0.6120 BTS3 0.4477 VQ 0.5959 VQ 0.4231
PSCSA 0.5968 VQ 0.4453 PSCSA 0.5891 BTS3 0.4230

Table 14. Summary Results for multi-class small data sets

Large Data Sets


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Execution Time

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Red train Acc train Kappa test Acc test Kappa Time
PSCSA 0.9988 ENPC 0.8809 ENPC 0.7613 GENN 0.8133 GENN 0.6269 1NN  
AVQ 0.9980 GENN 0.8428 GENN 0.6806 1NN 0.8060 1NN 0.6181 DSM 1.6849
LVQTC 0.9975 Depur 0.8250 Depur 0.6322 ENPC 0.8029 ENPC 0.6170 LVQ3 1.7037
MSE 0.9936 PSO 0.8158 RSP3 0.6299 Depur 0.8004 Depur 0.5863 VQ 1.7193
SGP 0.9823 1NN 0.8057 1NN 0.6178 PSO 0.8000 PSO 0.5861 MSE 17.4228
BTS3 0.9801 RSP3 0.7922 PSO 0.6173 MSE 0.7674 RSP 0.5597 HYB 18.6338
Mixtgauss 0.9801 HYB 0.7888 HYB 0.5992 Chen 0.7621 HYB 0.5567 LVQPRU 24.4067
LVQPRU 0.9801 MSE 0.7759 MSE 0.5349 HYB 0.7618 MSE 0.5221 Depur 26.8656
Chen 0.9801 Chen 0.7682 Chen 0.5236 RSP3 0.7556 Chen 0.5116 AVQ 38.3665
LVQ3 0.9799 AMPSO 0.7436 BTS3 0.4859 AMPSO 0.7410 LVQPRU 0.4799 Chen 50.0435
DSM 0.9799 BTS3 0.7393 AMPSO 0.4836 BTS3 0.7399 DSM 0.4796 SGP 52.3400
VQ 0.9799 LVQPRU 0.7373 LVQPRU 0.4818 LVQPRU 0.7356 BTS3 0.4788 LVQTC 83.6030
PSO 0.9799 DSM 0.7353 DSM 0.4795 DSM 0.7341 AMPSO 0.4784 PSCSA 160.3864
AMPSO 0.9797 MixtGauss 0.7345 Mixtgauss 0.4711 Mixtgauss 0.7318 MixtGauss 0.4661 GENN 167.4849
ENPC 0.8205 LVQ3 0.7340 VQ 0.4689 LVQ3 0.7318 VQ 0.4651 BTS3 219.2394
RSP3 0.8100 VQ 0.7322 LVQ3 0.4683 VQ 0.7316 LVQ3 0.4627 AMPSO 587.7181
HYB 0.5727 LVQTC 0.7065 AVQ 0.4321 LVQTC 0.7056 AVQ 0.4280 RSP3 258.6881
Depur 0.2708 PSCSA 0.6730 LVQTC 0.4185 PSCSA 0.6707 LVQTC 0.4165 MixtGauss 639.3139
GENN 0.1576 AVQ 0.6546 PSCSA 0.3900 AVQ 0.6518 PSCSA 0.3842 PSO 909.9820
1NN 0.0000 SGP 0.6162 SGP 0.3568 SGP 0.6086 SGP 0.3466 ENPC 10931.1977

Table 21. Summary results for large data sets

Summary with numerical large data sets

train Acc train Kappa test Acc test Kappa
ENPC 0.9091 ENPC 0.7936 GENN 0.8510 GENN 0.6712
GENN 0.8714 GENN 0.7102 PSO 0.8453 ENPC 0.6675
PSO 0.8580 PSO 0.6768 ENPC 0.8441 1NN 0.6569
Depur 0.8516 Depur 0.6659 1NN 0.8404 PSO 0.6501
1NN 0.8403 1NN 0.6568 Depur 0.8367 Depur 0.6338
HYB 0.8227 RSP3 0.6532 MSE 0.8139 HYB 0.5954
RSP3 0.8189 HYB 0.6326 Chen 0.8127 Chen 0.5939
MSE 0.8181 Chen 0.6034 Mixtgauss 0.7996 MSE 0.5826
Chen 0.8173 MSE 0.5892 HYB 0.7994 RSP 0.5804
MixtGauss 0.8018 Mixtgauss 0.5696 AMPSO 0.7926 MixtGauss 0.5654
AMPSO 0.7943 AMPSO 0.5633 RSP3 0.7864 AMPSO 0.5589
BTS3 0.7836 DSM 0.5444 BTS3 0.7850 BTS3 0.5452
DSM 0.7819 BTS3 0.5423 DSM 0.7800 DSM 0.5423
LVQ3 0.7800 LVQPRU 0.5415 LVQPRU 0.7782 LVQPRU 0.5410
LVQPRU 0.7795 VQ 0.5308 LVQ3 0.7775 VQ 0.5274
VQ 0.7782 LVQ3 0.5308 VQ 0.7770 LVQ3 0.5239
LVQTC 0.7524 AVQ 0.5075 LVQTC 0.7521 AVQ 0.5036
PSCSA 0.7266 LVQTC 0.4895 PSCSA 0.7254 LVQTC 0.4883
AVQ 0.7249 PSCSA 0.4650 AVQ 0.7225 PSCSA 0.4594
SGP 0.6434 SGP 0.3831 SGP 0.6399 SGP 0.3780

Table 22. Summary results for numerical large data sets

Summary with nominal large data sets

train Acc train Kappa test Acc test Kappa
GENN 0.8590 GENN 0.7655 1NN 0.8077 1NN 0.6807
ENPC 0.8498 ENPC 0.7512 HYB 0.7988 GENN 0.6625
Depur 0.8370 Depur 0.7235 GENN 0.7952 HYB 0.6589
HYB 0.8170 HYB 0.6923 ENPC 0.7835 ENPC 0.6452
1NN 0.8073 1NN 0.6794 RSP3 0.7704 Depur 0.6169
RSP3 0.7815 PSO 0.6057 Depur 0.7689 RSP3 0.5662
PSO 0.7568 RSP3 0.5836 PSO 0.7262 PSO 0.5540
MSE 0.7140 MSE 0.5292 MSE 0.6858 MSE 0.4851
LVQPRU 0.6579 LVQPRU 0.4350 LVQPRU 0.6636 LVQPRU 0.4432
BTS3 0.6494 VQ 0.4125 VQ 0.6476 DSM 0.4162
VQ 0.6455 LVQ3 0.4117 DSM 0.6458 VQ 0.4144
Chen 0.6453 BTS3 0.4114 BTS3 0.6453 LVQ3 0.4128
LVQ3 0.6442 AMPSO 0.4066 LVQ3 0.6438 BTS3 0.4045
DSM 0.6398 DSM 0.4057 Chen 0.6369 AMPSO 0.3944
AMPSO 0.6295 Chen 0.3937 AMPSO 0.6215 Chen 0.3780
SGP 0.6239 SGP 0.3852 SGP 0.6169 SGP 0.3748
LVQTC 0.5913 LVQTC 0.3295 LVQTC 0.5888 LVQTC 0.3262
AVQ 0.5771 AVQ 0.3268 AVQ 0.5713 AVQ 0.3186
MixtGauss 0.5395 PSCSA 0.2503 MixtGauss 0.5362 PSCSA 0.2411
PSCSA 0.5313 MixtGauss 0.2143 PSCSA 0.5238 MixtGauss 0.2085

Table 23. Summary results for nominal large data sets

Summary with mixed large data sets

train Acc train Kappa test Acc test Kappa
ENPC 0.5031 ENPC 0.4435 Chen 0.2647 Chen 0.1537
RSP3 0.3846 RSP3 0.3031 PSO 0.2523 Depur 0.1430
Depur 0.3018 HYB 0.2109 Depur 0.2506 PSO 0.1378
HYB 0.2943 GENN 0.2060 RSP3 0.2350 RSP3 0.1327
GENN 0.2936 Depur 0.2014 GENN 0.2185 GENN 0.1220
Chen 0.2897 Chen 0.1826 BTS3 0.2149 BTS3 0.1132
PSO 0.2805 SGP 0.1817 MSE 0.2046 MSE 0.1094
SGP 0.2661 PSO 0.1700 AMPSO 0.2005 1NN 0.1038
MSE 0.2202 MSE 0.1279 LVQTC 0.1993 MixtGauss 0.1034
LVQPRU 0.2142 MixtGauss 0.1142 1NN 0.1991 HYB 0.1021
BTS3 0.2131 LVQPRU 0.1121 HYB 0.1974 ENPC 0.0992
LVQTC 0.2051 DSM 0.1117 ENPC 0.1936 SGP 0.0975
DSM 0.2047 BTS3 0.1109 SGP 0.1924 DSM 0.0946
MixtGauss 0.2024 LVQ3 0.1043 MixtGauss 0.1907 LVQ3 0.0920
AMPSO 0.2021 1NN 0.1040 DSM 0.1895 VQ 0.0872
LVQ3 0.1988 VQ 0.0892 LVQ3 0.1888 AMPSO 0.0846
1NN 0.1987 LVQTC 0.0875 LVQPRU 0.1885 LVQPRU 0.0820
VQ 0.1836 AMPSO 0.0866 VQ 0.1831 LVQTC 0.0812
PSCSA 0.1464 PSCSA 0.0833 PSCSA 0.1397 PSCSA 0.0803
AVQ 0.1160 AVQ 0.0635 AVQ 0.1126 AVQ 0.0638

Table 24. Summary results for mixed large data sets

Summary with binary large data sets

train Acc train Kappa test Acc test Kappa
RSP3 0.9319 ENPC 0.7425 RSP3 0.9110 RSP3 0.6726
ENPC 0.9137 RSP3 0.7363 PSO 0.8661 PSO 0.6020
PSO 0.8797 GENN 0.6423 GENN 0.8533 ENPC 0.5937
GENN 0.8747 PSO 0.6339 ENPC 0.8470 GENN 0.5920
Depur 0.8454 Depur 0.5741 1NN 0.8361 1NN 0.5690
1NN 0.8353 1NN 0.5682 Depur 0.8278 Depur 0.5327
Chen 0.8289 HYB 0.5455 Chen 0.8246 Chen 0.5123
AMPSO 0.8098 Chen 0.5226 AMPSO 0.8071 HYB 0.5079
HYB 0.8088 AMPSO 0.4973 MSE 0.8021 AMPSO 0.4916
MSE 0.8050 MSE 0.4765 LVQTC 0.7976 MSE 0.4704
LVQTC 0.7983 LVQTC 0.4670 HYB 0.7908 LVQTC 0.4656
MixtGauss 0.7895 MixtGauss 0.4531 MixtGauss 0.7880 MixtGauss 0.4501
LVQ3 0.7844 DSM 0.4450 LVQ3 0.7817 LVQPRU 0.4463
VQ 0.7822 LVQPRU 0.4439 VQ 0.7815 DSM 0.4428
BTS3 0.7798 BTS3 0.4418 BTS3 0.7804 BTS3 0.4425
DSM 0.7790 VQ 0.4387 LVQPRU 0.7785 VQ 0.4351
LVQPRU 0.7774 LVQ3 0.4385 DSM 0.7780 LVQ3 0.4318
PSCSA 0.7772 PSCSA 0.4236 PSCSA 0.7741 PSCSA 0.4153
AVQ 0.7212 AVQ 0.4184 AVQ 0.7181 AVQ 0.4130
SGP 0.6131 SGP 0.2448 SGP 0.6110 SGP 0.2405

Table 25. Summary results for binary large data sets

Summary with multi-class large data sets

train Acc train Kappa test Acc test Kappa
ENPC 0.8514 ENPC 0.7783 1NN 0.7789 1NN 0.6623
GENN 0.8141 GENN 0.7150 GENN 0.7772 GENN 0.6583
Depur 0.8066 Depur 0.6846 Depur 0.7757 ENPC 0.6379
1NN 0.7791 1NN 0.6625 ENPC 0.7632 Depur 0.6346
HYB 0.7707 HYB 0.6475 PSO 0.7405 HYB 0.6006
PSO 0.7583 PSO 0.6023 MSE 0.7362 PSO 0.5719
MSE 0.7496 MSE 0.5875 HYB 0.7357 MSE 0.5686
Chen 0.7135 RSP3 0.5341 Chen 0.7059 DSM 0.5128
BTS3 0.7028 Chen 0.5246 BTS3 0.7034 BTS3 0.5115
LVQPRU 0.7011 LVQPRU 0.5159 LVQPRU 0.6971 Chen 0.5109
DSM 0.6960 DSM 0.5106 DSM 0.6946 LVQPRU 0.5101
LVQ3 0.6887 BTS3 0.5076 LVQ3 0.6868 VQ 0.4920
VQ 0.6872 VQ 0.4961 VQ 0.6866 LVQ3 0.4905
MixtGauss 0.6850 LVQ3 0.4952 AMPSO 0.6816 MixtGauss 0.4806
AMPSO 0.6841 MixtGauss 0.4874 MixtGauss 0.6811 AMPSO 0.4666
RSP3 0.6664 AMPSO 0.4714 LVQTC 0.6228 RSP3 0.4581
LVQTC 0.6239 SGP 0.4577 RSP3 0.6157 SGP 0.4420
SGP 0.6189 AVQ 0.4445 SGP 0.6065 AVQ 0.4415
AVQ 0.5946 LVQTC 0.3749 AVQ 0.5921 LVQTC 0.3724
PSCSA 0.5793 PSCSA 0.3597 PSCSA 0.5777 PSCSA 0.3562

Table 26. Summary results for multi-class large data sets

Statistical Test

In this paper, we use the hypothesis testing techniques to provide statistical support for the analysis of the results. Specifically, we use non-parametric tests, due to the fact that the initial conditions that guarantee the reliability of the parametric tests may not be satisfied, causing the statistical analysis to lose credibility with these parametric tests. These tests are suggested in the studies presented in different papers where its use in the field of Machine Learning is highly recommended. The Wilcoxon test is adopted considering a level of significance of α = 0.1

The tables shown in this paper collect all the possible comparisons employing the Wilcoxon test among the PG methods considered. These tables also summarize the comparisons of four main performance measures used in this paper: tst Acc., tst Kap., Acc. * Red. and Kap. * Red.. Cells situated over the main diagonal (top zone of the table) correspond to tst Acc. and tst Kap., whereas cells situated under the main diagonal (bottom zone of the table) correspond to Acc. * Red. and Kap. * Red.. Note that each cell has two spaces to house a symbol. The above one corresponds to accuracy and the one situated below corresponds to kappa. The symbol represents the result of the Wilcoxon comparison and it can indicate that the method specified in the row is better than (+), worse than (--) or equal to (=) the method it corresponds to in the column. Double lines separate families of methods. Let us see a simple example depicted in Table 27. The example illustrates that method A is equal to B in tst Acc. and Kap. * Red., worse than B in tst Kap. and better than B in Acc. * Red..

Table 27. Wilcoxon table example

Next tables present the Wilcoxon test results over small and large data sets respectively.

Table 28. Wilcoxon test results over small data sets

Table 29. Wilcoxon test results over large data sets