Imbalanced data sets are a special case for classification problem where the class distribution is not uniform among the classes. Typically, they are composed by two classes: The majority (negative) class and the minority (positive) class.
The rest of the file contains all the examples belonging to the data set, expressed in comma sepparated values format.
Below you can find all the Imbalanced data sets available. For each data set, it is shown its name and its number of examples (instances), attributes (the table details the number of Real/Integer/Nominal attributes in the data) and IR (Imbalace Ratio, the ratio between instances of the majority class and minority class). In addition, the table shows if the corresponding data set has missing values or not.
This subsection contains a collection of the previous data sets already preprocessed by several oversampling techniques. For each technique, a ZIP file containing 5-folds cross validation partitions for each of the 44 imbalanced data sets of this page is provided. Moreover, a brief description and references about each method can be found below:
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