Prototype Selection for Nearest Neighbor Classification: Taxonomy and Empirical Study - Complementary Material
This Website contains additional material to the SCI2S research paper on Prototype Selection
S. García, J. Derrac, J.R. Cano and F. Herrera, Prototype Selection for Nearest Neighbor Classification: Taxonomy and Empirical Study. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 34:3 (2012) 417-435 doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2011.142
S. García, J. Derrac, J.R. Cano and F.Herrera, Prototype Selection for Nearest Neighbor Classification: Survey of Methods, Technical Report T-4-2010-PSMethods.
Prototype selection is a research field which has been active for more than four decades. As a result, a great number of methods tackling the prototype selection problem have been proposed in the literature.
This technical report provides a survey of the most representative algorithms developed so far. A widely used categorization (edition, condensation and hybrid methods) has been employed to present them and describe their main characteristics, thus providing a first insight into the prototype selection field which may be useful for every practitioner who needs a quick reference about the existing techniques and their particularities.
Taxonomy of methods
- Condensation algorithms
- Incremental
- Condensed Nearest Neighbor Rule (CNN)
- Ullman algorithm (Ullmann)
- Tomek Condensed Nearest Neighbor (TCNN)
- Mutual Neighborhood value Algorithm (MNV)
- Modified Condensed Nearest Neighbor (MCNN)
- Generalized Condensed Nearest Neighbor (GCNN)
- Fast Condensed Neighbor algorithms family (FCNN)
- Prototype Selection based on Clustering (PSC)
- Decremental
- Reduced Nearest Neighbor (RNN)
- Selective Nearest Neighbor (SNN)
- Shrink (Shrink)
- Minimal Consistent Set (MCS)
- Modified Selective Algorithm (MSS)
- PEBS Algorithm (PEBS)
- Batch
- Improved KNN (IKNN)
- Patterns by Ordered Projections (POP)
- Max Nearest Centroid Neighbor (Max-NCN)
- Reconsistent (Reconsistent)
- Template Reduction KNN (TRKNN)
- Incremental
- Edition algorithms
- Decremental
- Edited Nearest Neighbor (ENN)
- Repeated-ENN (RENN)
- Multiedit (Multiedit)
- Relative Neighborhood Graph Edition (RNGE)
- Modified Edited Nearest Neighbor (MENN)
- Nearest Centroid Neighbor Edition (NCNEdit)
- Edited Normalized Radial Basis Function (ENRBF)
- Edited Normalized Radial Basis Function 2 (ENRBF2)
- Edited Nearest Neighbor Estimating Class Probabilistic (ENNProb)
- Edited Nearest Neighbor Estimating Class Probabilistic and Threshold (ENNTh)
- Batch
- All k-NN (AllKNN)
- Model Class Selection (MoCS)
- Decremental
- Hybrid algorithms
- Incremental
- Instance-Based Learning Algorithms Family (IB3)
- Decremental
- Filter
- Variable Similarity Metric (VSM)
- Polyline Functions (PF)
- Decremental Reduction Optimization Procedure Algorithms Family (DROP3)
- Decremental Encoding Length (DEL)
- Prototype Selection by Relative Certainty Gain (PSRCG)
- C-Pruner (CPruner)
- Support Vector Based Prototype Selection (SVBPS)
- Noise Removing based on Minimal Consistent Set (NRMCS)
- Class Conditional Instance Selection (CCIS)
- Wrapper
- Backward Sequential Edition (BSE)
- Filter
- Batch
- Iterative Case Filtering (ICF)
- Hit-Miss Network Algorithms (HMN)
- Mixed + Wrapper
- Explore (Explore)
- Generational Genetic Algorithm (GGA)
- Steady-State Genetic Algorithm (SSGA)
- Population Based Incremental Learning (PBIL)
- Cerveron’s Tabu Search (CerveronTS)
- Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (EDA)
- Intelligent Genetic Algorithm (IGA)
- Zhang’s Tabu Search (ZhangTS)
- Genetic Algorithm based on Mean Squared Error, Clustered Crossover and Fast Smart Mutation (GAMSE-CC-PSM)
- Steady-state memetic algorithm (SSMA)
- COoperative COevolutionary Instance Selection (CoCoIS)
- Fixed + Wrapper
- Monte Carlo 1 (MC1)
- Random Mutation Hill Climbing (RMHC)
- Incremental